Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Not another autism blog!

Let's get a few things on the table.  I am not a writer.  At all.  I suck at grammar and spelling and you better thank your lucky stars I'm typing this. My handwriting is abysmal. 

I have done two things really well.  One, I picked an awesome husband. Two, we made the best kid on earth. Handsome too. We also made one that is on the autism spectrum and here I plan to write about that.  

When you have a kid with autism, you really have a whole household with autism.  The rules change dramatically. (and often without warning).  Now I don't plan on addressing the how's and whys of it. Although that does interest me and I may.  Hey, my blog, my rules.  Look at me switching them up like my kid or something. :-). Nor do I want to make this a Debbie Downer my life is the pits.  (I'll give you all fair warning if it's a pity party I'm inviting you to and you can just chose to skip it) 

I tend to be snarky and rather flip.  About autism, life, marriage etc... It's just what I do.  I'd rather be laughing than crying and if I can be cracking the jokes first, all the better. 

I just know one thing, life with my son is NEVER boring.  Often funny.  And frustrating. And repetitive. And challenging. And messy and repetitive.  (oh see what I did there? ha! I am funny) 

So I will try to share that with you all. To show you what life with autism and a side of fries can be life.  If there is one thing the kiddo has taught me, fries go with anything. 


  1. My son is 8 as well! He also loves french fries :)

    1. Well really they are one of my favorites. Who doesn't like them?

  2. Just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying your posts on Facebook. I am going to have to hold back from liking every darn one of them. I have an 8 year old daughter with autism, and it's great to find others with a sense of humor about the whole thing---I've met a few others like that through my blog, and they keep me going! So---thanks!

    1. Please like them all!!!! It's makes me do a happy dance! LOL isn't it great to find that moment where you are just like "ok this stuff is so weird I got to laugh"

  3. This is a great blog glad to see more people out there expressing the stories about dealing with a child on the ASD. I have a 4 yo daughter on the ASD and Somedays are very challenging.

    1. Glad you like it! There are ups, downs and all arounds with these kids. One minute I'm spent, the next I'm laughing.

  4. Not another autism blog... that same line was floating through my head the last couple of days. Reading the different blogs I've found has brought a smile to my face, and the occasional tear to my eye. So I just decided to start a blog, mostly for my own venting and amusement. Saw a link to yours today right when I was working on setting mine up. Glad to have found it!

  5. I love your blog and FB page! I have a 5 year old, sweet girl, with autism, two amazing daughters, and an wonderful husband. You can either laugh or cry about autism but we choose to laugh as much as we can! I try to not make Autism rule our lives as much as possible, because that is not what makes my daughter who she is. Thanks for making me smile, think, and not feel so alone. She also loves french fries-lol!
