Friday, September 21, 2012


Is there anything more seductive that a warm cozy blanket, pillow and bed.  Sleep, you are one sexy muthatrucker!

Oh yes, I knew tired once.  But then I had the kiddo and he has introduced me to a whole new world of tired.

First there was "newborn tired".  Where you are violently awoken randomly throughout each night for feedings/changing/burpings/i need to be heldings.  I eventually accepted my fate that the bags under my eyes would never go away.   Maybe I could start packing things in them like my keys or lipstick.  Wouldn't that be handy.

Then there was "toddler tired".  Yes he could start doing more things on his own now but this was also coupled with the fact THAT HE COULD DO MORE THINGS NOW ON HIS OWN!!!!  Crap!  Oh and drop a nap now?!  Wtf?  Mother of god I thought I was going to die.

Then came "autism tired" and life has truly never been the same. 

It is a never ending nagging tired of worry, frustration, elation, disappointment, breakthroughs, breakdowns, boredom, laughter and tears.  It is constant.  It is fabulous.  It is never ending.

 It has made me wish some days to be placed into a medically induced coma just so I can catch up on some much missed Zzzzzzz's. 


  1. Sigh, a coma would be awesome...purely for the sleeping factor of course.

    1. I just want to wake up when I want to wake up. When I am fully done sleeping. Which will probably be 6 years from now.

  2. Last night, I went to bed a little early because I was exhausted. I stopped in on my # 3 kiddo..he had a rough couple of days. I just looked at his sweet, little, innocent face (he left his light on and fell asleep reading) and had to take it in for a few minutes. I just couldn't believe that the little boy that causes me so much frustration at times, could bring me more joy than I could ever that single moment. Sometimes I forget in the rush of dinner, homework, showers, more homework, more dishes, more laundry to take in those precious moments, but that moment in the presence of my peacefully sleeping little man made the tiredness SO worth it.

  3. Lol, I am entering Autism tired with a side of early rising toddler. Between the two of them, I may catch up on sleep about the time they give me grandkids.

  4. LOL! Loved the 'Autism Tired' - know what you mean! :)

  5. I know this all too well. I am so tired right now, I have toothpicks holding up my eyelids! Ok, not really, but it sure would help!!!

    1. I thought the other day my eyelids were broken. I could not keep them open at all

  6. Ermagerd - Our daughter would sleep less and less over a period of 10 to 12 days until she stayed up 24 hours, crashed for 24 hours and started the cycle all over again. That ended 4 years ago and I still don't feel like I've caught up on my sleep.

  7. I don't think we ever get to sleep again. I'm convinced of that.

    Your site always makes me hungry for fries, by the way. My ever-expanding ass will send a postcard to thank you when it gets it's own zip code.

    1. Well your blog title makes me want to have a margarita and that's not socially appropriate at all in the middle of the day. So there! :-)

  8. It's been my dream for years now to actually get "real" sleep. You see what I am doing here. I only get REM sleep. LOL
