Thursday, April 25, 2013

20 questions heard daily at French Fry Inc.

On any given day the conversations at this house would probably confuse many NT parents. Not us in "Club Spectrum".  Perhaps some of these have passed your lips as well. Please tell me they have.  Really.  Lie to me.  Tell me you have!

1) Is this poop? Smell this.  That's poop right?

2) How wet are the sheets?  A little?  Here's a towel. It's 3:42am. That can keep.

3) Did he eat lunch?  Besides the dog food pellet he snuck out of the dod's bowl?

4) You gave him his meds right?

5) Are the wipes in your car?

6) You brought extra underpants with you in your purse right?

7) What's the menu there? They got fries?  No?  Not here then. 

8) You hid the cookies?  Where? What do you mean you don't remember?

9) You gave him his melatonin right?

10) Is your brother's party gonna be huge?  How many people?  We won't stay long right?

11) Who gave him a shower last? When was it?

12) Did you call the insurance company about it?

13) Where's the iPad?

14) Is he playing with a dog toy?

15) When's the next meeting with the teacher?

16) Did we meet the deductible yet?

17) Does he have underwear on?

18) Does he feel hot?  Is that a fever?  He's to quiet. Is he getting sick?

19) Maybe we can add that to his IEP?  Did you email his caseworker?

20) Do you want another glass of wine?  (Betcha know that answer)


  1. Yes! probably 15 out of 20 have crossed my lips at any given time in the last 12 years. :)

  2. You make me remember so many things and now that we've moved into the teen years, I can look back and laugh, a lot! Can't wait to read about Kiddos teen years when you get there!

    Thanks for making us laugh and smile and cry and think! Autism isn't for wimps!

  3. You make me remember so many things and now that we've moved into the teen years, I can look back and laugh, a lot! Can't wait to read about Kiddos teen years when you get there!

    Thanks for making us laugh and smile and cry and think! Autism isn't for wimps!

  4. Thanks for the laughs! As the mom of an autistic adult, I still remember the very challenging years of his childhood and his teens.

  5. Thank you so much, after the week I have had with my 7 year old autistic son I really needed the laugh. I probably ask or respond to almost all those questions on a daily basis!

  6. This is so very full of win :-)

  7. Potty training was not bad for us. They where both trained fully with not accidents by age four. It is my secreton how. The others I can relate especially the IEP. My two are now 13 and 12 so its puberty and hygiene issues. But I love this it helps a Parks loves to hear Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

  8. Love this, and yes most of those are said at some point here. Thankfully the need for extra clothes is minimum now, but I also get things like telling my daughter to quit licking the walls, so you know that is just how things go.Thank you for sharing your life, and the smiles and fun of autism as well as the struggles. It really helps.

  9. I have never, EVER, uttered a single one of those. *cough, cough cough*

  10. I love this, especially the one about "is he wearing underpants?" heard almost daily at our house. Along with "who has the keys to the front door," "who can catch the dog he just let out

  11. I have said them all millions of times over the last 21 years with my brother!!!
    #18: too* quiet.

  12. My kiddo is an adult now. 22 years old. I no longer ask my husband many of these questions, I ask the kiddo. Who sometimes even answers me!
