Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Jack in the Box

It's two days before The Kiddo's birthday.  His eleventh birthday to be exact and would you like to know what toy I am about to search for once he goes to school?

A freaking Jack in the Box.

Because my husband finally figured it out last night what The Kiddo has meant all this time when he keeps asking "Jack Toy? I want play Jack Toy?"  He googled a YouTube clip and showed it to him.  "Do you mean this?"

And my son lost his ever loving mind with laughter.  If the person that posted 20 second clip of a person winding up a Jack in the box suddenly wonders where those two hundred thousand new "views" came from, that would be from my son.  In a single evening.

The Husband looked over at me in triumph. I can't blame him. Anytime one of us figures out before the other what the Hell our Kiddo is scripting about it's like hitting the jackpot.  I allowed my husband to bask in the glory of his victory and I got online trying to figure out where I could find one of these things locally in the next two days.

If you are NOT an autism parent you might be thinking, "What? She's going to go run out and get that thing? He's too old.  That's ridiculous."

If you are an autism parent you might be thinking, "I bet Target has one. Let me google and check and leave her the link." cause that's how we roll!

I gave myself ten seconds of "Son of a bitch.  We couldn't figure this out a few weeks ago.  I could have ordered it online. I'm not paying extra for overnight shipping. I will find that god damn thing today!"

I also gave myself ten seconds of "Oh my god!  He likes something!  Let me run out and buy a dozen of them!!!!"  because I know GO BIG OR GO HOME is how we roll with interests around here.

If you are the type of person with a stick up your butt about "age appropriate" and yadda, yadda, yadda, I'll have you know I'm also ordering a Blue's Clues theme birthday cake for him because he asked yesterday for one.  He's never cared before.  I almost wept that he did. Strike that. I lied.  I totally teared up that he did cause I didn't think we would ever get that.  So,if you have a problem with what's age appropriate, NO CAKE FOR YOU!

We have worked so hard for every word that has ever past his lips.  All three of us.  If my Kiddo wants a Jack in the box, he will get a muthatrucking Jack in the Box.  There is so much he still has not been able to say or communicate to us.  I will jump through hoops to help him when we all do figure out what he is trying to say.

Maybe it was easier when we knew it was always Fries that he wanted but I enjoy the challenge.  Watch out local stores, Mama Fry is on a mission!


  1. Good luck in your search! I'd send you mine if it wasn't old and cruddy. Our youngest decided that it is too creepy for him to ever see again and hid it behind the couch a year or so ago. We all know it's still there.

  2. I went through all of Christmas driving myself crazy trying to find a Unicorn Princess Doll. I went on every website, searched every toy catalog, and kept trying to figure out what my daughter was talking about. One day before her birthday my husband finally figured it out and we bough a my little pony, princess rainbow pony. I felt as if I won the lottery when lit up at the present!!!! Wishing you all a very happy birthday!!!

  3. Good luck! Keep us posted on your hunt! :-)

  4. Aw, wishing you tons of luck and I was just at Target this past weekend and swear they did have one! ;)

  5. Totally get it. I got my son a Maya the Bee stand-up toy (age recommendation: 6 months) cause he loves Maya and it stands up! And apparently that is hillarious, and it gets him to say three words in a row,so that is a win.

  6. I sure hope you find one. And I want some Blues Clues cake, PLEASE! :D Happy Birthday!

  7. How do I put this without sounding arrogant?!?!?!? Some day in the future...you will be more than willing to pay extra for overnight shipping. Just sayin'... ;)

    Glad you found the Jack in the Box!!! :D

  8. I swear to you I was at Target Monday, with my 9,soon to be 10 year old playing with TWO Jack in the Boxes. They have all those retro toys.
    Our conversation on the way home from school yesterday was calling out Nick Jr shows, and he felt so accomplished when he thought of one we hadn't seen in awhile. It's life. It's what we do.

  9. I feel you on every single word of this! My son played with a Winnie the Pooh Jack in the Box until it wouldn't jack-out-of-the-box anymore. This same (11 year old, severely autistic) son is now obsessed with Peppa Pig and every time he sings every word to that damn song I throw my hands in the air like I just don't care and dance with our Peppa dolls. Good luck to you on this mission, mama!

  10. Screw age appropriate.. you love what you love.. period..

  11. You're channeling me. Justin's Dora toy just broke, they no longer make it, and I'm just so damn grateful he seems content just to carry the thing around! Best of luck shopping!

  12. II feel you and second that. Last year was the first year A. actually wanted to be something for halloween, He wanted to be a power ranger but if he'd have said a Disney Princess he'd have been a damn disney princess. I was just so happy he was anticipating something and wanting to participate.

  13. II feel you and second that. Last year was the first year A. actually wanted to be something for halloween, He wanted to be a power ranger but if he'd have said a Disney Princess he'd have been a damn disney princess. I was just so happy he was anticipating something and wanting to participate.

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