Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Dear Betsy Devos,

We need to to talk.  Please, sit down.  Kick your pumps off.  Get comfy. We are about to have a "Come to Jesus" conversation.

Now, I don't talk politics all that much on my blog. In fact, I tend to avoid it because I know everyones newfeed is flooded with all that jazz and my audience probably enjoys a break from that stuff.  I am sure there are many folks right now that are rolling their eyes that I am going there and I know for a fact many have stopped reading this already because they are already composing their rebuttal.

To those folks I say "Don't forget to write the part about how you are going to unlike me and not follow me anymore but you keep coming back to keep arguing."  Ya'll know who I mean. I love those folks.  They are THE BEST.

But I digress.

Betsy, Can I call you Betsy? Okay, anywho, no, I didn't vote for Trump. (Anyone shocked by this statement may I remind you I frequently quote drag queens like religious scripture? I mean, really? Did you think I was a conservative person? Come on.) But anyway, Nope. Didn't vote for the guy but he's in charge and so yeah, I am watching who he picks for cabinet stuff with a serious case of side eye and "Okay, who is dis guy/gal?"

Now you don't exactly have a lot of typical qualifications that one would think one would need in order to be the Secretary of Education but I was thinking you would probably be prepping yourself for your hearings.  Like you would probably hire some folks to school ya on well, schools and stuff.

I was mistaken.

Or you need to get your money back because

GURL, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT THE IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act WAS A FEDERAL LAW?!?!?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!   How on earth could you even suggest that this is a matter to left up to the states????  HOW!!??!?!?!?!?!

(If you all haven't seen this clip from the hearing, I highly suggest watching it.  Devos Hearing)

Let me explain how IDEA works, shall I? It is to provide students with disabilities, a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment.  That both teachers and parents will help create a tailor made plan for that child to learn.  We call these IEPs. Individualized Education Plan.

Betsy, even suggesting that this be a matter left up to each state.  Holy crap on a cracker!  You have no freaking idea how bad of an idea that would be to millions of kids.  So many families are fighting tooth and nail as is for FAPE for their kids.  You want to make that even harder for them???  WTF!?!?!?

Seriously, think about this.  You want whole families to uproot their lives and pick up and move to different states???  You actually think this is doable? Or fair? Or that this wouldn't then become a huge drain on a state's already limited resources if ALL the disabled kids moved there?  DUDE!!!!

Betsy, Betsy, Betsy. No. Just no.  I'm going full on basic bitch with you right now. I literally cannot even with you but I have to because this is MY KIDDO's future you are messing with here.  Just stop.  STOP!

I don't say this often but no fries for you Betsy.  No fries for you.

And don't get me started about guns in a school because of all the grizzly bears attacks. 


  1. This is a fantastic response! Thank you!

  2. Oh AMEN sister Fry!! I may have pulled my kids out of the incredibly crappy school system here to homeschool but this is something EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN needs to be worried about! Why? Because, as droll as it may sound, these children, ALL of these children, are our future. WHY wouldnt you want the best possible future for all of us? These are the future lawmakers, the future Doctors, the future business owners (yes even the Special Needs kids! Have you been in a Special needs classroom? There are ALL kinds of kids in there!) if for no other reason than her apparently solely selfish brain can consider, these are the children who will decide our fate. Now lets consider just for a moment the REAL reason we should keep IDEA and FAPE, because it is the freaking right thing to do! Because these children, our beautiful, intelligent, loving children, are every bit as deserving of an education as your Ivy League bound children are. They deserve the best possible life we can give them. Why? Because they are human. No other reason. They are human and they deserve every single opportunity and chance we can provide for them.

  3. I adore you! If your going to go political then this is how you do it!

  4. YES!! Love your response! I was feeling the same while watching her yesterday!

  5. When are you running for office? We need you. Bigly.

  6. oh thank you for bringing up the grizzly bears!

  7. Did you send this letter? You should.

  8. Thank you for this. I am a teacher and the parent of an autistic kiddo. I watched the hearing last night with my mouth on the floor. She is the worst.

  9. Oh Mama Fry, I LOVE YOU! You GO girl!

  10. How is she even being considered for education? She doesn't sound like she is even aware of what the job entails.

  11. I watched the hearing , and omg are you for real ? No, experience in the educational system may not be required but it is appreciated . To say that each state should be allowed to decide what happens to any special needs child, is ludicrous.

  12. Every word.
    Every word is the truth.

  13. She didn't say she was against supporting special education. The law is the law, she can't change it, or enforce it beyond what is provided for within the laws in existence or requirements provided for in the federal grants to each school or state.

    1. The problem is that she does not know what the laws are. She doesn't know jack about accountability issues---proficiency vs. growth in evaluating students/schools/systems.

    2. The problem is that she does not know what the laws are. She doesn't know jack about accountability issues---proficiency vs. growth in evaluating students/schools/systems.

    3. Hi David - You are right that she cannot change the law. But she can set the tone for how vigorously the law is enforced. She was asked if she supports the law and if she thinks schools should follow it. For her not to even be able to say that she supports the law and that schools should follow it is a problem. The way she feels/thinks will affect her decision making and we need to have someone in charge who sees the value in ALL students and who sees the value in laws protecting the students who are the most vulnerable and whose families already have it harder than they should. Whether she can change the law or not is irrelevant. If her thought is that it's optional whether or not to support students with disabilities then we have BIG problems.

    4. Actually I'm afraid that she knows that law but isn't interested in following it. As in, what she really wants is for that lovely IDEA funding to funnel into unaccountable private voucher-schools, but still not require them to follow the IDEA.

      You heard it here first.

  14. Mama Fry.. all my love and support from Italy. And thank you for your 'coming out' :)

  15. Guns are not allowed in the school Ms. Devos mentioned. Yes, it is in grizzly bear country. However, the tall fence around the school grounds is enough to keep bears, deer and elk from approaching children. I repeat -- no guns in that school!

  16. Laughing through my tears 😭 Sensational response!

  17. I've never read your blog, this was a link on FB I followed, but I wholeheartedly agree. I have a son with Autism as well as "neuro-typical" kids as well and for the sake of ALL of my children, this woman has no business being in charge. Kind of like going to a mechanic to get your teeth cleaned.... WHO would do that????!!!!

  18. It is shocking that someone with her beliefs is that close to holding the reins of the nation's educational systems. On the Boston Public Library is inscribed "The Commonwealth requires the education of the people as the safeguard of order and liberty." This is why public education -- quality public education for all -- is vital.

  19. Well said. We dont need betsy or her kind in a position to hurt students. Send her to montana to take care of the grizzlies

  20. I think I love you! Every part of this is how I feel as a new autism mom.

  21. As an Aussie reader, I have never been more glad to live on the other side of the world. Seriously. I thought the grizzly thing was a joke until I looked it up.
    If she's not sure what IDEA, FAPE AND IEP are, does she understand WTF?
