Thursday, August 2, 2018

There's no crying in baseball.

If you have ever found yourself crying in your car, I've been there.

If you have ever found yourself crying in the shower, I've been there.

If you have ever found yourself crying as you load and unload the dishwasher, I've been there.

If you have ever found yourself crying and getting mad at yourself for crying again, I have been there.

There may be no crying in baseball but there sure is in Autism.

I guess Tom didn't get the memo. That's okay. He was busy riding on The Polar Express nightly. 

We have hit our annual August Angst.  ESY aka Extended School Year aka Summer School aka "Don't you dare call it camp or I will cut you" is winding down next week.  We're staring down a long month off.  Yes, I've been a member of Team Quirky long enough to know what I have to do but it's still a daunting task all the same.  Sure, we'll have little schedules each day to follow and events and activities but it's not nearly the same as having that school routine. 

And I swear each year it gets harder.

And I have to remind myself it's not so much that it's harder it's just a different set of issues that we have to get use to  and once we do, it will be fine.  "FINE!" she says as she weeps hiding in the laundry room into a mini bag of chocolate chip cookies that's she's inhaling.  (Yes, I eat my feelings and my feelings are delicious!)

I mean, we do have some big plans in the middle of this.  Our annual vacation. This will be trip number six to this resort because we're Autism Vets. We know what works so we stick with it!  My husband and I also really like it there and enjoy tagging each other to take on Kiddo wrangling duty so they other can get a break.  Like my hubby goes on hikes or to visit some dead President's home and I do something better like GET A MASSAGE AT THE SPA!

Kiddo's trip will be the following:
Get up and Mama Fry will remind him ten thousand times to be quiet because people are sleeping.
Eat Breakfast.
Outdoor pool.
Indoor pool.
More pool followed by some pool.
Remind us as he is falling asleep that he wants to go to the pool tomorrow.

But I digress. That's a week we have a plan and part of me feels good knowing for a week we have stuff to do to keep him busy and engaged.

Except Autism comes on vacation too and while he's usually pretty good on vacations (I swear this kid lives for sleeping in hotels.) it has gone south now and then.  So maybe I'm worrying for no reason but I'm also no dope and I'm not going to pretend there's no chance that will happen because puberty has moved into this house with a vengeance. It also brought it's pal Anxiety and let me tell ya something, I really wish that bitch would leave my Kiddo alone.

I don't know what's going on with myself lately but I'm starting to think I'm having teenage angst and anxiety, the sequel.  Kind of surprised that the husband keeps coming home each night knowing what waits for him.  An anxious Kiddo and wife combo. I must be a really good cook or something. 

But I've been in this place before and I will surely be there again. I guess what I'm trying to say is "Yeah, stuff is a bit shit right now but I'm hanging."  So if you find yourself thinking the same right now, know I am right there with you. 



  1. Mama Fry thank you thank you.
    I really don’t know what I would do without you. Today was my 13 year kiddos first counseling appointment.
    Anxiety and sleeping and lack of hygiene are just some of the topics we talked about.
    Now I’m worried because the counselor knows zippo about Autism. So do I trust some of his thoughts or do I take them with a grain of salt and see if I can at least get him to help with hair washing. My kiddo did open up and he did very well until the last 15 minutes. Lots of grunting and cowering.
    I’ll send you hugs if you send me more backbone ������

  2. I have been right where you are and am approaching Twenty with my Aspie soon. My ball game is not to different than yours, just a few years older. If I could come on vacation with you as part of your tag team I would. Or just hug your neck while you have a good cry.

  3. Hang in there! Enjoy your vacation!!

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