Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Hello Fries!

 *taps mic* 

"I'M BACK!" 

Well actually, I never really went away. I just stopped using this blogspot for my content.  Ironically, just around the time I was starting to suffer from a serious case of writer's block and social media burnout in general, COVID walks in like the BAMFer that it is.  In an effort to survive, I just made the choice to just keep our updates on life on my social media accounts.  

Here are the places you can find us! 

Facebook Autism with a side of fries and now with that blue check mark. We so fancy now! 

Instagram Autism with a side of fries

Twitter Autism with a side of fries 

I'm still cranking out the content but I have to say lately I have been itching to going back to writing more long form stuff.  

And now that life is sort of returning to a new normal, I actually have the time and more importantly, the desire to do so.  I'll spare you the what I learned about myself during the time of COVID.  I think I learned what many parents did. I am absolutely not made to homeschool my kid. Period.  Oh mother of mercy, I am NOT! 

So what's the status quo at the moment? Well, Kiddo just turned 17 and we now have roughly 350 something days till he becomes a legal adult. Which Jesus H, didn't I just have this kid? Like I still have numb spots on my c section scar. How the hell did that happen? 

And frankly I am frighten because we are that much closer to the big dramatic jump off the school cliff into the moat of adult services which in case you did not know is bone dry.  A lot of last year when we were home with nothing to do, I just sat there and stewed on that. I was getting a giant preview of what life was going to be like with him post 21 and let me tell you something, it wasn't good.  At all.  

Combine that with his entire world being tossed upside down and out the window I was beyond a hot mess. Like I was no longer the cute internet hot mess you have all known. This was beyond using too much dry shampoo and chugging coffee like my life depended on it like most stereotypical mom memes.  I was just trying to get through the day while watching every single skills we worked for slip away from my son. My heart broke multiple times a week. It was rotten and frankly not very inspiring to the Ye Old creative process of blogging. 

But I have always said that you can have a pity party, you just can't stay at it.  So the last few months I have been slowly pulling myself out of the muck.  

One thing I did was put myself out there when I saw a project that will help not only my own's son's future but others just like him.  Mama Fry got herself a Trustee job! I KNOW! Lord help the Monmouth Ocean Foundation For Children for saying "Yeah, she''ll do." after I interviewed.  Fun fact, it was done over zoom and it wasn't until after the interview was done that I realized I still had my mascara tube in my bra. (Make up tip.  Warm up your mascara in your bra.  It really does work!) 

Despite that, they still took me on and let me tell ya the cool AF project we are working on now.  A 21+ adult program!!  Yep, yours truly is working on getting this thing built because I am selfishly motivated by having a kid who will soon be an adult.  Nothing kicks your ass into gear like fear. Ain't that a effing hoot?!! This isn't some boring babysitting warehouse of people sitting around.  This will be a continuing education and vocational training experience! It's gonna be SWEET!

Okay, so this is me signing off because Kiddo just rolled on up from school and I have to roll on out with him off to music therapy and then "window fries" because some stuff does not change. I may be able to take long writing breaks but mom breaks? HA!  As if!  

This felt good to do.  Okay, my challenge to you. Go do something you haven't done in a long ass time.  Legally, of course. 

Or not. I don't judge. ;-) 

1 comment:

  1. So relate, my daughter is 23, her own guardian (I need to start a blog) and after a year of being home because of COVID, dayhab shut down, and her provider politely asking me if she could move home because she loves to "elope" to "meet people: and was a COVID risk to her house mates. I took it on. And we did stuff. We learned to tye dye and sell masks and shirts, we learned to really cook, we learned to clean, and when it was time we learned to go back 8n public and grocery shop, we learned to pay bills. All the adult stuff, whole having some fun.
    Then Fayhab opened back up and she asked to move back into the group home and once again I see a years worth of work slowly disappearing. If I could have done the conservatorship in CA. But I had no clue and it was expensive and she is high functioning and listened to me, until she didn't and mental illness snuck in. Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to reading more about the adult program.These Medicaid waiver programs, they try and some are okay, but okay isn't good enough.
