For one year.
Not including door to door transportation. From what I can gather, add about another 30 to 40 grand to that total.
My town's Board of Education had it's "big" meeting a few weeks ago and the budget is made public online. Anyone can look it up in their meeting agenda. Which because I'm nosy I did but also because I know my town. This is usually how I find out big changes are happening. True to form, I learned that my son's caseworker is leaving. She didn't tell me. The meeting agenda did. Had I not looked, I still would not know. She still hasn't informed me. I do not even know who is replacing her. Guess it will be a nice surprise for me one day. Gee, so swell of ya school district.
But let's get back to that figure shall we? How do I know it? Well there is a list of every single student that goes out of district and where and the cost. No, it does not list the students by name but since it lists one tuition and and the cost of a one to one aide at his school's name, I know it's him. He's the only student in my town that goes there. (Currently.)
And you know what I learned with running my eyes over this list? That it's a loooong one. There are easily over thirty students going out of district for their education. Now I know not all of them are kids with autism but given the rates in the state we live it (New Jersey is 1 in 41), I bet a good hunk of them happen to be on #TeamQuirky. I started adding up the costs and when I hit around TWO MILLION DOLLARS, I stopped. These are financial terms a Costco shopper like myself cannot put my head around. Two million loads of laundry, that I know. Two million dollars and counting??? Are you freaking serious???
Now we are damn lucky because our district pays for Kiddo to go to his school. I know so many districts would be "NOPE". I am not knocking that at all. What I question is doesn't the Board of Education see a whole lot of money going out of their district just to teach the students that live in the district they represent? When the figure goes into the millions, shouldn't this be alarming? Or at least make them say "Hey." or something?? If my cable bill goes up, I tend to notice that. You all aren't seeing this part of the budget rising? I'm watching this part go up every single year.
Of course, since the budget went up the mommy grapevine started going. My own social circle of the Autism Moms Mafia were sending texts and emails back and forth saying the same of "HOLY CRAP! Is that the tuition for one year? Just the one??? If they don't pay it, then what????" Then what indeed. Cause despite this whole school choice/voucher thing that our pal Betsy DeVos is going on about, I don't exactly have the spare 90 plus grand a year to make up the difference for my Kiddo to go the school of our choice. If they did not pay, there is no way on earth short of selling both my kidneys and all the eggs in my ovaries that we could. (And I'm pretty sure I need at least one kidney and I'm getting up there in years so no one is going to pay top dollar for my old lady eggs even if I list them as "vintage".)
Oh and get this. Kiddo's school was ONE OF THE CHEAPEST! The cheapest! We actually did them a favor by picking where he went out of all the schools we toured. We saved them money. YOU'RE WELCOME SCHOOL DISTRICT! You're welcome.
But you know the worst part of this. Now knowing the exact number of the cost of his education (and all the other kids) I live in fear of what I just discussed above. That some BOE member is gonna be all "Wait a minute. We need a new football field or some sort of sports thingie. What? We don't have the money? Oh wait, let's start slashing the budget." You and I both know where their eyes are gonna land. And it will be done in that "Gee, do all these kids really need their one to one aides?" way or suddenly some of us will be told that our kids have magically improved so much that they can go back to their district.
Despite that fear though, not on my watch. Don't even think about it. My Kiddo is worth every freaking cent of that $103,500.00. He's 13 now and he'll be in that school till he is 21. You better budget accordingly and tell the football team to hold a mother loving bake sale if they need something.
My Kiddo and his education are more valuable than that.

"Dear Board of Education, There is a complete lack of french fries on the lunch menu each month. Please correct this atrocity."
Enjoy the day in slack pants Momma crate coupons 2017